This week has been one of those weeks. Late nights, early mornings and lots of middle-of-the-night interruptions from the kids. And today, I have just completed my 6th load of washing (boys will be boys). I decided I need a cold, quick-to-make energy shot which I could just gulp down to get me through the moments when I felt I had been hit by a truck.
As they say, sharing is caring, so for all those time starved and sometimes exhausted mums & dads out there, here goes.
Energy Tonic Recipe
2 shots espresso
120ml hot water
1 tbsp cacao
1 tsp monkfruit sugar/coconut sugar/rapadura sugar
Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
Pour into small jugs and store in the fridge.
Or if desperate drink straight away, without hesitation.
Of course, I recommend that you have no more than 2 of these a day. However, we are all human, so sometimes desperate situations call for desparate measures.